Felix Faber
Contact: mail{symbol}FelixFaber.dev,   CV: (German | English)

my name is Felix and I like to build Software! I'm especially interested in how things work under the hood, and I also play the guitar and piano from time to time.

I'm currently working for Areus as a software developer.

Software Developer

RWTH Aachen
Student Assistant
Selected Projects
C Debugger
Language: C

Bachelor Thesis
Language: C++

University-Project: Reversi Bot
Language: Java

Static Website Generator
Language: C

University-Project: Systems Programming
Language: C

A Linux C-Debugger (for Wayland) written in C from scratch
A multi-threaded static website generator written in C from scratch
RWTH Aachen
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Konrad Adenauer Gymnasium

Languages: C, C#, Java, C++, Python, SQL, POSIX Shell, HTML/CSS
Human Languages: German (native), English (fluent, C1), French (B1), Dutch (A1)
Tools: (Neo)Vim, Visual Studio (/ Code), IntelliJ, CLion
Technologies: Linux, Git, OpenBSD

Other Info